Transport Accident Commission

2021 will mark the 30th year of partnership between AFL Victoria and the TAC and the third year of the TAC Community Football Partnership, targeting all Victorian’s with key road safety messages at the grassroots level, having predominantly focused on youth road safety through the TAC Cup Competition prior to 2019.
The partnership will focus on the TAC’s goal to achieve zero deaths and serious injuries on our roads by 2050, encouraging community clubs to become ambassadors for road safety amongst their participants.
Research and evidence support their ambition and this partnership plays an important role in helping the TAC achieve this goal.
By getting involved in our partnership activities you will be working alongside all Metropolitan Leagues and Country Region Commissions to join us on the journey to making Victorian roads a safer place.
Like on the field, It takes all of us, to work together to ensure community football thrives, and it takes all of us playing a role on the roads to achieve the TAC’s vision of a future without deaths and serious injuries.
For more on TAC head to their website: