Clubs vote in favour of Melton South joining RDFNL

The Riddell District Football Netball League (RDFNL) received a letter from the Melton South Football Netball Club (MSFNC) on August 21st following their own Club vote that they were requesting to join the RDFNL at the conclusion of the 2024 community football netball season. As per RDFNL Statement of Rules, following endorsement by the RDFNL Board, the RDFNL wrote to all member Clubs that a Special General Meeting (SGM) would be held to discuss the potential affiliation of MSFNC for the 2025 season.
Following the SGM, the RDFNL Clubs voted on the acceptance or non acceptance of MSFNC. As per the Statement of Rules, the RDFNL required a majority vote (over 50%) for the acceptance to occur.
The RDFNL is pleased to announce that all votes are in and there was a majority 79% vote for the acceptance of Melton South Football Netball Club joining the RDFNL for the 2025 season. An important part of this vote was the vote of the Senior Men’s Clubs and there was a 60% majority across the Senior Men’s Clubs as well who will be directly competing against MSFNC.
The RDFNL has today written to AFL Victoria and the Ballarat Football Netball League to inform them both of the RDFNL’s position. The Transfer of Leagues procedure will now be followed as per AFL Victoria rules. We thank the Ballarat Football Netball League for their communication and understanding and the RDFNL has a great deal of respect for our neighbouring league.
The RDFNL Board is looking forward to our Senior Football and Netball Grand Finals this Sunday and will be in further communication regarding the 2025 RDFNL structure in coming weeks.